Sentencing can be a complicated process, and it is not uncommon for prisoners to receive sentences that involve numerous different terms of imprisonment; running consecutively and concurrently.
In Court, when a prisoner’s sentence is announced, it can be difficult to understand what this means in reality, and even more importantly, when you, your family member or friend will be released.
The first time many prisoners receive this information, is in the form of a Sentence Calculation Form. In our experience, this document often contains incorrect calculations.
Our specialist Prison Law team at Reeds frequently receive requests for assistance from prisoners to help with this issue. Unfortunately, in order for prisoners to receive advice under the Legal Aid Scheme, they must be able to demonstrate that they have exhausted all means of complaint within the prison system.
If a prisoner has concerns regarding their sentence calculation, they must submit a general complaint and follow the complaint service through.
If they are unhappy with the complaint and still believe the sentence is wrong, then contact one of our dedicated Prison Law Team, ensuring that they provide us with evidence that they have exhausted the complaints system, in order to be considered for Legal Aid.
Alternatively, if you wish to instruct us privately, our team will be happy to discuss a competitive fixed fee to help you, and will be able to act without the need for you to have exhausted the prison complaint route. Contact one of our team for more information, or alternatively click here to provide us with your details, and one of the team will contact you as soon as possible.
General Enquiries