Expert Divorce Solicitors for Divorce and Financial Settlements 

Sometimes moving towards your ‘Happily Ever After’ may mean going through a challenging divorce. When this is your next step, having the right divorce solicitor by your side can make the difference during this difficult time. 

Reeds Solicitors provides expert legal guidance and support in divorce cases. Our divorce solicitors have a proven track record of success and a commitment to client satisfaction. We are dedicated to helping individuals navigate the complexities of their divorce with ease. 

Our clients benefit from our years of experience in handling divorce matters – with a direct yet sensitive style. We can have those difficult conversations, ask the hard questions, and push hard with your future in mind. 

At Reeds, we understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality when it comes to your personal and legal matters. This can be even more important through a divorce. Your privacy, and protecting your sensitive information is our top priority. 

For free initial advice from a divorce solicitor, please contact us through our contact page here. Alternatively you can phone 0333 240 7373, or email us at 

Why Choose Our Divorce Solicitors? 

Experience and Expertise: 

We understand that divorce can be an emotionally charged, and financially overwhelming process. It is important that you have someone in your corner to support you through the process.  

Our divorce solicitors have a deep understanding of all aspects of family law. We have successfully represented countless clients ensuring that their best interests and rights are protected throughout the process. 

With a wealth of experience in handling divorce matters, there is rarely a situation we haven’t encountered – meaning we can provide tailored solutions to the most complex of issues. 

Tailored Legal Solutions: 

We don’t believe in an off-the-shelf approach to legal advice. Our legal solutions address the unique needs of each of our clients, because no two are the same.  

Your divorce solicitor will take the time to understand your specific situation, and craft a strategy that best aligns with your objectives and goals through the process. 

Whether your priorities are your children and custody, the division of property, or even the financial settlements and ensuring debts are fairly allotted, we will guide you towards the best possible outcome. 

Skilled Negotiators: 

As the divorce process and settlements can be difficult enough, we hope that matters can be resolved as amicably as possible – negotiating where possible to provide the best outcomes for you and your ex-partner. However, if it becomes necessary, our solicitors are formidable opponents in a courtroom. We will tenaciously fight for your rights, representing our goals fiercely and ensuring fair treatment. 

Comprehensive Services: 

Our range of services covers all aspects of divorce and related matters. From the initial consultation to finalising the settlement, we provide a comprehensive service and representation.  

Whether your divorce proceedings are amicable or hotly contested and require mediation, our divorce solicitors can guide you through every step. We can advise you in other services that may be helpful to you at this stage as well (such as rewriting your will), so you can receive that fully-tailored experience. 

Transparent and Honest Communication: 

Our solicitors understand the importance of clear and open communication throughout the divorce process. We do not shy away from providing honest advice, even in the most difficult of situations.  

Your solicitor will ask the hard questions and provide clear advice to your situation. They will keep you informed about the progress of your case, and answer any questions or concerns you have.  

Your trust is important to us. And so is achieving your best possible result. 

Compassionate Support: 

Divorce can be an emotionally challenging process that can re-open old wounds. Our team of divorce solicitors provide legal expertise and guidance throughout this journey. We are here to help understand your situation and move you forwards into a brighter future.  

Our goal is always to minimise stress whilst achieving the best possible outcome.  

Cost-Effective Solutions 

We are always transparent and upfront with our pricing and costs.  

We strive to deliver quality with our services. Whilst this doesn’t always mean ‘cheap’ we will endeavour to minimise unnecessary expenses and find the most favourable resolution within your budget. 

Contact a Divorce Solicitor Today for a Free Consultation. 

If you are searching for expert divorce solicitors who understand the complexities of family law and can provide the guidance you need, look no further.  

We are committed to delivering exceptional legal services tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced divorce solicitors. Let us help you navigate through your divorce with confidence and achieve a favourable outcome. 

Obtaining legal advice at an early stage is crucial. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your case, please contact us through our contact page here. Alternatively you can phone 0333 240 7373, or email us at 

Frequently Asked Questions for Divorce Solicitors 

Can I get a divorce? 

To get a divorce, you must: 

  • Have a legally recognised marriage (or civil partnership) in the UK. 
  • Be married for at least a year. 
  • Have a relationship which has permanently broken down.
  • Have a permanent home in England or Wales (there is a different process for divorce in Scotland and Northern Ireland). 

What Are the Reasons for Divorce? 

There are five circumstances for divorce in the UK: 

  1. Unreasonable Behaviour – Your partner has done something that makes you feel you cannot live with them anymore. 
  1. Desertion – Your partner left you at least two years ago. 
  1. Adultery – your husband or wife has committed adultery. This is not applicable in a Civil Partnership. 
  1. Separation 
  1. Two Years of Separation – You have lived apart from your partner for more than two years and they agree to the divorce. 
  1. Five Years of Separation – You have lived apart from your partner for more than five years. Your partner does not need to agree to divorce to proceed. 

What Is a No-Fault Divorce? 

A No-Fault Divorce was introduced in England and Wales on the 6th April 2022. Before this, an applicant had to state one of the five grounds for divorce previously outlined.  

Under the No-Fault Divorce law, you need to make an application including a statement of ‘irretrievable breakdown’. This statement says that your relationship has broken down permanently to the point where the marriage can no longer continue. This also means that a couple can apply for divorce jointly, rather than one person issuing the proceedings against another. As such, if a no-fault divorce is agreed neither party can contest the divorce or dissolution (thus removing the possibility of court proceedings).  

A no-fault divorce can reduce conflict and the ‘blame game’ of divorce proceedings, so that couples can focus on a settlement surrounding children, property and finances.  

There are a couple of potential disadvantages to a no-fault divorce.  

  1. As neither party is held accountable for the breakdown of the marriage, there is a lack of accountability. This can be frustrating if someone feels the breakdown of the marriage is due to poor behaviour or actions. 
  1. Due to the inability to contest the divorce, there is limited legal remedies to defend the marriage from divorce. 
  1. A minimum waiting process between application and conditional order (previously called the decree nisi) is 6 weeks, and an additional day between the conditional order and final divorce order (previously called decree absolute). This longer process may not be desirable to those that wish for a quicker divorce. 

Can I Get a Divorce if I Am in a Civil Partnership? 

Civil Partnerships do not end through divorce settlements, but instead by a dissolution order. For Civil Partnerships the process is similar to a divorce, except that you cannot use adultery as a reason for a dissolution order.  

Under a Civil Partnership, adultery would be considered being unfaithful under the ‘unreasonable behaviour’ category. 

Can I Get a UK Divorce if I Live Abroad? 

Yes, you can get a divorce in the UK even if you currently live abroad. However, there are certain statutory requirements that need to be met to ensure that a court in England and Wales has jurisdiction for divorce proceedings. Once again, different rules apply for Scotland and Northern Ireland. 

Do I Need a Solicitor for a Divorce? 

No. The divorce procedure in England and Wales can be completed without a solicitor, as it is largely a paperwork process. However, just because it is possible doesn’t mean it is recommended. Getting expert legal advice before you start a divorce or dissolution process can protect you against many of the potential pitfalls. 

Whilst the paperwork may seem simple, not knowing what you are entitled to and what is in your best interest can mean walking away in a worse position. This is true for your financial entitlements, but also child arrangement expectations, property agreements and living arrangements. 

Whilst the initial reason for proceeding with a divorce without a solicitor is usually one of cost, mistakes made in the process and settlement can become costly to rectify after the divorce is settled. 

Working with a solicitor and being honest about budgetary restrictions can mean defining parts of the process that can be safely handled by you without the assistance of a solicitor, and others where a solicitor is necessary. This will reduce the risk whilst reducing the costs.  

How to Apply for a Divorce Without a Solicitor? 

The process for applying for a divorce without a solicitor is fully explained on the Government’s website here.

You are able to apply online, or via pots by completing divorce application form D8. 

Once again, we highly recommend seeking the advice of a solicitor before you proceed with applying for a divorce.  

Is It Best to Use a Solicitor for a Divorce? 

It is recommended that you use a solicitor for a divorce, especially if you have not been able to agree a divorce settlement for the financial matters. The more complex the divorce, the more important legal advice will be. 

A divorce solicitor can help you throughout the process, whilst also ensuring related matters are raised and dealt with – such as buying or selling property and writing a new will. 

Getting early legal advice from a solicitor will help you know how much support you need in your divorce, and which stages legal assistance will be unavoidable.  

When Should I Seek Legal Advice From a Divorce Solicitor? 

You should seek legal advice for a divorce as early in the process as possible. Whilst there may be parts of your divorce you may not wish to use a solicitor (thus reducing cost), there are times when a solicitor is advisable.  

For example, the Law Society advice seeking legal advice as soon as possible if you: 

  • Are at risk of domestic violence. 
  • Are at risk of being made homeless. 
  • Are unsure what a fair settlement would be. 
  • Have a lot of assets – including property and investments. 
  • Do not have enough access to your children, or are being restricted in your access by your ex-partner. 
  • Are in a vulnerable financial position compared with your ex-partner. 
  • Got married abroad. 
  • You, your ex-partner or your children have non-UK nationality. 

 If you would like to discuss any aspect of your case, please contact us through our contact page here. Alternatively, you can phone 0333 240 7373, or email us at 

What Type of Solicitor Do You Need for a Divorce? 

A divorce solicitor is a family law solicitor who has experience in handling divorce proceedings and settlements.  

In some circumstances, a divorce can be a difficult process. In unexperienced hands, the costs of such divorces can rack up. 

It is recommended that your solicitor is registered with the Law Society and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

All of our solicitors at Reeds are governed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Alison Page and Emma MacDonald are also Chartered Legal Executives.

Can I Get Free Divorce Advice? 

Of course. We provide free initial advice for divorce clients. Contact us through our contact page here. Alternatively you can phone 0333 240 7373, or email us at 

Alternatively, please contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Can a Divorcing Couple Use the Same Solicitor? 

Having one solicitor act for both parties in a divorce can be seen as a conflict of interest, so it will be necessary to instruct separate solicitors at different law firms to represent you and your ex-partner. 

However, both parties do not need to have a solicitor each to go through the divorce process. It is advisable to contact one of our solicitors but your ex-partner may be without representation if they so choose.

Can I Change My Divorce Solicitor? 

You have a right to switch solicitors at any point in the divorce process. It is always possible to appoint a new solicitor, for whatever reason, to take over your divorce proceedings. 

Whilst it is important to have the right solicitor represent you, it is important to know that changing solicitors may mean additional costs (as you will need to pay the previous solicitor for the work they have done, plus the cost of instructing a new one).   

How Long Do Solicitors Keep Divorce Papers? 

Legal records must be retained for a period of at least six years. 

In divorce, children disputes and ancillary relief matters it is recommended that paperwork is kept for 21 years from the date the matter was concluded or from the last correspondence on file.  

Are Divorce Papers Served by a Solicitor or the Court? 

Divorce or dissolution papers are served by the court. Usually the court will send a copy of the divorce or dissolution application to your partner. 

Can I Change My Surname After Divorce Without a Solicitor? 

Yes, a change of name is a simple process that is handled through a ‘Deed of Change of Name’ through the ‘Deed Poll Office’. 

How Much Does It Cost for a Divorce Solicitor in the UK? 

Under some circumstances, our solicitors can provide a flat fee to complete a divorce. If a client has to pay the court fee, the flat fee is around £500 plus VAT.

There are several requirements to meet to provide this cost: 

  1. The divorce must be non-contested
  2. The parties involved have no children or issues surrounding their child(s)’ care
  3. There are no financial difficulties the couple must agree upon

However, it is recommended that a service is tailored to your requirements. In all cases, your solicitor will provide you an estimate of total costs before you agree to instruct them. 

Is Legal Aid Available for Divorce Cases? 

Legal aid is no longer available for most divorce cases. In cases where there is domestic abuse or violence, then legal aid may be available.  

Legal aid is still currently available for mediation. 

How Much Does a Divorce Cost? 

On average, a divorce in the UK can cost around £14,500 plus VAT. This cost will depend on how complex the process is and how much negotiation or mediation is required. 

Who Pays the Solicitors Fees in a Divorce? 

As a general rule, each person is required to pay their own legal costs. These costs include court fee and solicitors fees. 

If an ‘at fault’ divorce is being applied for, then the applicant (previously known as ‘The Petitioner’) is responsible for covering the cost of the preparation and submission of the application.