June 10th – 16th marked ‘Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week’. Unfortunately, I was unable to produce an article in line with those dates. However, every day is a good day to speak about mental health and as such I thought it would still be helpful to write an article now.

Mental Health, particularly in young men continues to be an issue in society, with 1 in 8 men living with a mental health condition and approximately 85% of suicide victims being male.

As someone who lives with mental health difficulties, I felt it important that I share my experience, as well as my tips for overcoming mental health challenges.

For context, I started experiencing mental health issues around adolescence. I went through periods of low mood, depression, anxiety and intrusive thoughts. My issues became so profound that I began attending therapy and taking antidepressants to alleviate my condition. Following my diagnosis of ASD my mental health stabilised, only to worsen again during my first year of university.

Thankfully I am now in a place where my mental health is once again stabile, however there is always room for improvement!

Over the years, I have developed numerous techniques which have assisted me in overcoming mental health challenges. I thought it would be useful to share some of these techniques, in the hopes that it may help those of you going through a difficult time.


Before considering any of these techniques it is important to get an insight into your mental health difficulties. You need to know if you are suffering with a mental health condition, what the triggers are and how it affects you on the day to day. As such, if you think you are suffering with a mental health condition, it is important to get a real diagnosis, rather than using Dr Google! Once you understand your condition, you can start to find ways of dealing with it.

Set yourself realistic goals

Idle hands are the devils’ playthings and I think the same is true of your mind. Personally, I find my mental health always worsens when I do not have an objective that I am pushing myself towards. Whether it be a personal, educational or physical goal, I find that working towards that focuses my mind, grounds me in the moment and stops me from worrying about the abstract. With that said these goals need to be achievable, otherwise you may find yourself feeling worse by not achieving your goal. Also remember to reward yourself once you do achieve your goal, take the time to enjoy it before moving on to the next target.

Have faith

I feel that an issue a lot of young men are struggling with is a lack of purpose and meaning. Previously this meaning may have been found in religion. Now that the western world is becoming more secular, the power that religion once held has now reduced. Now I am not trying to covert anybody, but I think faith can still play an important role in motivating people and giving them purpose. As such, for those struggling with mental health issues I would recommend them putting faith in an idea greater than themselves. This does not necessitate a belief in God; faith can be found in family, friends, community or an idea. With that said it is important to make sure you put your faith in the right people rather than bad actors. It is also important not to have blind faith, since this can open a whole new can of worms.

Spread the love

We often spend a lot of time thinking about our own issues; instead, we should spend more time thinking about others. That warm fuzzy feeling you get from donating old clothes or helping that old lady across the street does wonders for your mental health. Volunteering can also put your life into perspective, your problems don’t seem as bad when you are helping to feed the homeless. Furthermore, becoming involved in voluntary organisations gives you a sense of purpose, which (as previously mentioned) can promote positive mental health.

Practice Gratitude

Out of all the recommendations I have made, I think this is the simplest and quickest method to instantly boost your mood. At least once a week I try to take a minute to list everything that I am grateful for; e.g. my wife, my family, my charm and stunning good looks. I find this technique helps me to put my problems in perspective and reminds me how lucky I am. You may want to write your gratitude list down to refer to during stressful times. You can then add to it when you think of more things to be grateful for.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

We tend to ignore the connection between our mental and physical health. It might sound obvious (and a bit preachy) but eating a balanced diet, maintaining a regular sleep pattern, engaging in regular exercise and exposing yourself to natural sunlight can really improve your mood. Remember a problem in the mind cannot always be solved in the mind, sometimes it takes a treadmill and carrot juice.

Seek ancient wisdom

For thousands of years philosophers have been trying to discover the secret to happiness and although none of them can agree on an answer, I find there is a lot to gain from studying their beliefs. Without sounding too pretentious reading quotes from Nietzsche and Marcus Aurelius helped me to build resilience. If these writings appear impenetrable then I would also recommend more modern writings, particularly the works of Jordan Peterson. Despite being a somewhat controversial figure, I founds his book, 12 rules for life, a very useful tool in building resilience.

Talk, talk and talk

A problem shared is a problem halved. Talking about your mental health with a trusted loved one like a friend, family member or partner can really help to ease your stress, worries and anxieties. Speaking to other people is also a great reminder you that you are not alone, that you are loved and valued. Furthermore, your loved ones may be able to offer advice or techniques to assist your mental health. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking so candidly to a person you love, you may want to consider seeking professional support through a psychologist, counsellor or licensed therapist. Alternatively, you could write a list of mental health tips for all of LinkedIn to see.

It’s okay to be sad

The reality is dealing with mental health issues is an ongoing process of trial and error. There are going to be days that you will feel down and that’s normal. Our brains are wired towards the negative, this is a survival mechanism which we used as cave men to alert us to threats. Understanding that, you can start to have more control over your fears and even become thankful for that little voice in your head which warns you of threats. Arguably being blind to danger and happy 24/7 is just as dangerous as being constantly afraid and depressed.

Thank you all very much for taking the time to read my article. I hope it was of some benefit. If you have any questions about the techniques I have discussed in this article, then please do not hesitate to reach out.

If you or any of your friends or family are struggling with mental health, please see the below resources which may provide invaluable support.


Jarrad Williams Solicitor

This article was written by Jarrad Williams, who is a Trainee Solicitor working in our Court of Protection team. To contact Jarrad, the Court of Protection Team or Mental Health Team, please reach out through the contact page of the website.